Digital Hoarding VII

 Anyone that owns a computer knows that a lot more files are collected than are necessary to keep. If you become a hoarder of photos like me, the mess becomes even greater and harder to manage. Here are some more from my collection of funny and interesting finds on the Internet, what I like to call "Digital Hoarding".


What, BJ took a picture of a beer? I had to share this one because of the can art. My parents use to own a VW camper that we traveled with from Vermont to Florida. It had a pop-up tent. Also, certain family members have became Beach Hippies, the name of the beer. Can you get any more personal?

For 34 years I worked in the world of computers. I try to tell the story of the IBM hard drives I was using that held like 330 MB and were the size of a large washing machine. When I saw this photo, it helped prove my point. And to think, this photo is four years out of date.

I have a whole collection of Nubble Lighthouse photos, what Vermonter doesn't? I just have never seen one without people and so much turmoil. 

I liked this photo because it was similar to one of the ships I went on called the Oasis of the Seas. At the top are two wave running pools for wake boarding and other wave riding. There is a bar between the two. One day I sat at that bar taking photos of the people having fun, and drank 8 Mai Tais. Below is a pool with stadium where they have shows in the water. I attended the Belly Flop contest down there. There are also two rock climbing walls and the umbrella is covering a full size Carousel.

The next two photos are from a place we use to go to when I first moved to Florida. It is no longer there in Melbourne Beach. On the weekends, they use to have live music and we had a friend who would play in a band there. Great memories. I miss the prices of food...

Optical Illusions

The white dots are heads....

Is that a man walking into the forest or just a dog walking out?

Are these glazed donuts or something much scarier, like snakes?

Now who would buy this?

Or this?


I cannot remember if those were painted on this cow...

A Croc with a Croc....

Maybe I should have included this one with the optical illusions. At least he won't starve for a while.

For my friends with pets...


These are actually painted stones, not eggs...(Actually I do not remember, I just liked the art work.

A guide for my friends who live near ice. My curiosity is how do you know the thickness of the ice without going out on it to measure?


And a few that just made me LOL...
I hope this photo was not from a relative...

And one last one...

Hope you enjoyed these as much as I did...


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