Have a beer with friends
On Thursday, I was shopping at Publix, buying some items for dinner when I received a text from my friend Dustin. He said our mutual friend Tom had been promoted and they were having drinks at World of Beers, could I make it? I try not to turn down offers from friends, mostly when a beer is involved so I asked how long they were going to be there. It was long enough so I left my groceries at the house, and headed to Viera. Having a beer with friends is one of my favorite things to do since I retired. Actually, I did it pretty well before retirement. Dustin, Gavin, Tom Gavin was there, an USAF ex-captain with a PhD. Interesting combo but I always enjoyed working with Gavin. Dustin is a Chemical Engineer, and quite the ladies man, or was that a manly lady? I need to go eat at Franciscos with him soon. I miss his Spanish. Tom, on the right, was the recently promoted and the cause for celebration. Don, Troy, Greg (Jeremiah in white) ...