Try to understand nature

I have been sharing photos of my walks on the beach. I had set some bucket list goals at the beginning of the year and these  beach walks are part of one goal. Today's walk was different....

The walk almost did not happen because I was having problems finding the beach access I was looking for. Plus, cars are driving 45 on my tail and wondering why you are slowing down when they have such important places to go. Hell, we are near the beach and I was going to enjoy my walk. After going by the access 3 times, I finally found it with no cars behind me so I could turn. It is at the end of Atlantic Drive....

The crossovers down south in Brevard are steep with lots of steps. I did like the sign as you approached the ocean....
Signs on steps of crossover
I guess the locals down here are turtles, especially the loggerhead sea turtle. It was a hot and sunny day and there was actually a breeze. The waves were bigger and the tide was higher than on previous walks. Higher tides make for a hardier walk since the sand is looser. I always take a picture of where I enter the beach so I can find my car when I am done...
House near beach access, the tiki hut needs some repair
After meeting up with people walking their dogs, I saw a seagull with what looked like a ghost crab in his mouth...These crabs are all over the place and I figured this one was just unlucky...
Seagull with a ghost crab
 There were other seagulls hanging around too. One gave me some attitude by fluffing his wings...
Seagull with attitude
 If you look in the photo, there is a small black thing in the upper middle right...yup, it is a new hatching of a loggerhead sea turtle...I took a few pictures as he was crawling to the ocean. Although the parents weigh about 300 pounds, the baby is under an ounce when first hatched...
Loggerhead sea turtle
Close up of the Loggerhead Sea Turtle
The baby turtle was struggling with the waves and one big wave flipped the turtle onto his back and left him further up shore than he was previously.  Not knowing what to do, I flipped it back over with my toe...
Hatching after I flipped over with my toe
 The seagulls were not helping the turtles...they were feasting on them. That was not a ghost crab in the mouth of the seagull, but a newly hatched loggerhead sea turtle...
Seagull with turtle
 Very nearby were some people sitting near the dunes.  I did not want to bother them. I did want to protect this small sea turtle...
ATV with two people near the dunes
 The next wave that came in swept the turtle away, and this time it took it back to the ocean. I tried to catch the joyous moment with the camera. Although you cannot see the turtle in the photo, I know itwas now in the ocean where new predators existed....
Sea turtle being swept out to the ocean (he is in there)
 I felt bad for the little guy. He climbs out of his egg and then has to crawl 100 feet to get to the ocean. All kinds of birds are around and who knows what is lurking in the water.  Nature can be cruel but there is a beauty in how it works...I looked up and an osprey was fishing over the breaking waves. I wondered, does osprey eat the sea turtles too? I do not know...
Osprey fishing over the breaking waves
 On my way back south I decided to talk to the people at the dune line.  They were counting the empty egg shells in another loggerhead nest.  I asked them what the rules are on helping the turtles and told them of my toe flip.  The guy said not too worry, it was instinct for me to want to protect it. I said one was already in a seagull's mouth and I did not want to see this one go too. I asked and they said I could take their picture. I did not ask who they work for....
Counting and collecting loggerhead sea turtle egg shells.
 I told them to have a nice day and I headed back down the beach. I took a picture of the near empty beach. But I knew, nature was very busy on this beach and there is always tons of activity...just not many humans today....
Looking south on August 2, 2016
I hope you enjoyed my little story....I know I have some more contemplation about nature and how it works...


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