Oasis of the Seas - Belly Flop Contest

The last two days of the cruise were at sea, heading back to Port Canaveral from Sint Maarten. Nancy and I did some interesting things, and I will talk about them in a future post. But today I want to talk about the International Belly Flop contest that was held  at the outdoor Aqua Theater off the Board walk. Located on the stern of the ship, there different shows in the theater that we missed, but I made the effort to stop in and watch the contest on Friday at 1 pm.

The whole contest was being filmed and played on two large screens on either side of the 15 foot deep pools. Every other row was beach chairs interspersed with wooden benches. I got myself a good seat in a chair with my camera ready...
One of the screens at the Aqua Theater
There was bar service so I oredered myself a Corona, and I took a few pictures of the climbing walls and local area.
Climbing wall on Port side of Oasis of the Seas
The area  behind the Aqua Theater is called the Boardwalk. Completely outside, it reminds of you being on the Boadwalk at Coney island or Daytona Beach or some other beach resort. They even had skke-ball, free hot dogs at a hot dog stand, candy store with salt water taffy, and a bar and a restaurant called Johnny Rockets.
View from my seat looking back to the Boardwalk
 The Royal Caribbean logo is displayed prominently over the pool on the stern...
Royal Caribbean Logo
 There was a second climbing wall. The rooms to the right of the wall are some of the bigger suites where the rich people stay. Some of them were waiting for the contest to begin...
Rock Climing wall on Starboard side of Oasis of the Seas
 Our host for the day was one of the two cruise directors. You could always find them on channel 14 in your room, talking about events and happenings. She had them place "The Hurt Box" in front of one of the two pools....
Cruise Director starting the Belly Flop Contest.
 They had an open registration and limited it to seven divers. each diver was introduced and entered the pool area from the Boardwalk. You could watch it on TV or live. The first contestant was a measley 180 pounds...
First Contestant on large screen
First contestant Live
 The nest five contestants were introduced, ranging in size from 185 to 225 pounds...
Another contestant

And another, I caught pool and big screen
And another, getting a high five from the cruise director

And then they introduced the last contestant. Weighing 300 pounds they did not say his name, and he had listed his home as the North Pole....
North Pole Contestant at 300 pounds
 Dress in red with white trim, this jolly fella filled the big screen with his size....
Contestant #7
 And then the contest began. The first guy dove high but everything but his belly hit the water first...
First Contestant Dives
Scoring was done by crowd participation. The hostess told us to put up our fingers from 1 to 5, where 5 was the best. She would scan the crowd reading off the fingers. The first got got a lot of ones and twos. She told one fan that was not the right finger for scoring a one. Ha ha. The next series is contestant #2.
#2 prepares to flop

#2 flops live
#2 big screen replay

Contestant actually scored a 4 point something. It was a great bellyflop. The next guy did not do as well. The hostess called it a butt pucker, where your natural instinct is to protect the boys.
Next Contestant with arms first

The next guy had a good belly flop but I snapped too early...
Wide angle of next contestant

He scored pretty good from the judges...even the rich people in the expenseive suites were out on their balconies scoring...
Good score
The next two contestants had good flops beacuse they were bigger. The next to last guy had a big splash...

 The it was time for the guy from the North Pole....
North Pole guy approaches the Hurt Box for his dive...

I am not sure if the movie will work here in my blog, I plan to add to Facebook if it does not.

The winner was announced and it was the biggest guy in the red suit...

What a great belly flop contest...As I was leaving I took a picture of the Boardwalk...
Boardwalk on Oasis of the Seas
 On the Boardwalk, there is a full size carousel (red & yellow umbrella). There also is a donut shop and ice cream parlor....
Carousel in the middle of the Boardwalk
My last cruise entry with be about Misc things we did...


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