VW Show in Cocoa Beach

As I was driving through Cocoa Beach on this beautiful day headed to the Port, I saw there was a street closed off. The flashing cop lights made it more obvious, but I could not tell what was going on. I went and had some lunch to the North and decided to stop to see what was going on. To my surprise, it was a VW car and van show. Lot of classic cars and a band was playing and they had booths and food trucks.

My first VW connection was playing punch buggy as a kid...If you do not know what that is, too bad for you... My second connection was the VW camper that my parents purchased. It had the pop-up tent and I spent some nights all over the East coast sleeping in that tent. Lots of great times. The third connection was the red VW Beetle owned by my high school classmate Doug Losordo. I spilled...I mean spent a lot of time in that little car.

I am not going to write much more...enjoy the photos I took....

Looks like the old red VW Doug owned....

Pretty cool display!


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