More Star Wars in the Burg

And after Yoda...there was more of the Star Wars Costume exhibition on the second floor. This room was dedicated to the costumes worn by Natalie Portman as Queen Padme' Amidala. There was the wedding dress she wore when she married Jedi Anakin Skywalker...

The Dress on the left is called the Twilight Nightgown, I am not sure the name of the one in the center...

The light blue dress is called the Tatooine Homestead Dress...

Not sure of the proper name for this one either but I call it the green velvet dress...

The middle yellow dress was worn by the character Padmé Amidala in the movie Attack of the Clones. It is called the Meadow Picnic Dress. The right dress is called the Naboo Escape Gown. I think Padme' wore it when she escaped from Naboo...

Here you can see the back of the Meadow Picnic Dress (yellow). The white is the Geonosis Arena Costume, the mauve is the Naboo Starfighter Pilot, and the black is the Packing Gown...

Padmé Amidala wore this, one of my favorites, in Attack of the Clones. It is called the Lake Retreat Arrival Dress...

There were lots of concept drawings at the exhibit. I have included one here...

I wanted to include a few more I took of the Senators. This is my friend Teresa next to the Senate insignia on the floor...

Senate Guard...

 Sly Moore's Senate Robes...

Mon Mothma's Senate Robes...

Mas Amedda's Senate Robes...

The Senate Robes of Bail Organa (played by Jimmy Smitts)...

This was worn by Senator Padme' Amidala when visiting the Chancellor's office...

I will end with Palpatine, now the Emperor and also known as Darth Sidious...

The tour has been going since 2015. It has been in Seattle, New York City, Denver & Cincinnati. Now in St Petersburg, the last stop will be Detroit over the summer. I am hoping it ends up at the Smithsonian in Washington DC. Not sure the plans...It was wonderful to see and I am glad we went.


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