Attend another Retirement Lunch
It is always fun, now that I have retired, to be there when someone new retires. I want to send them this Blog as a means to ease them into their new life. The discussion is always "I am so busy how did I ever have time to go to work." Dr. Greg Taylor started at ENSCO back in 1984. Al Siegel knew him from college and brought him to Indian Harbour Beach, the small town where our Division office was located. It is hard to turn down a job when the office is on A1A and across the street from the ocean... Al Siegel, Greg Taylor, and Joe Vervier The luncheon was being held at River Rocks in Rockledge, and I was one of the first to arrive with Greg arriving behind me. We walked in together to the "middle room," a place set up for the 20 people that were expected. There were going to be people from ENSCO's current and past. Dr. Norm Bush talks with Nancy Provoncha Norm was our Division Manager back when Greg was hired, and he went on to become President of ...