Books 22 to 25 plus Two More
My book list is up to 195 books and I have now completed 25 from the list. I thought I would read more during this pandemic, but I am finding that I am reading about the same. I was smart enough to gather up some books from the local libraries before they closed. Also, I had some new books of my own. Here are the latest reads... #22 The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro Number 84 in the original list, I was not really sure if this book would interest me. I knew of the movie made from this 1989 novel, with Anthony Hopkins playing the lead. I knew it had like 8 nominations for Oscar, but I did not go and see it back in 1992. The book is written in first person narrative, told by Stevens, an English butler. The story takes place in the 1950s with flashbacks to the 1920s and 1930s, pre World War II. Surprisingly, I loved the book and it was a wonderful read. I rated this novel 4.0 (Excellent) and would recommend it if you like historical pieces. #23 The Return of Sherloc...