More Quick Connections

A while back I did a short post about connections. There I talked about memories triggered by aromas, or the connections of actors in different movies. Recently, I saw that the actor Ian Holm had died. He was famous for the original Alien movie, as well as playing a Hobbit in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Last night I saw that the movie Time Bandits was on and being a favorite from the early 80s, I started to watch it. I forgot that it was Ian Holm who played Napoleon in this movie. Laughing at the little puppets, and making the time bandits his generals...What a connection...

I have also shared my love for collecting obscure photographs off the internet. I now realize that each picture I collect and save has a connection for me. Here are some of my latest saves...

Having a degree in Mathematics, I have always loved optical illusions. Most often, it is the brain filling in wrong information to get a mistaken image. Like this image...

First, I thought he was wearing a mask and I did not understand the note, and then I realized he was looking down at his phone and the sunglasses are on top of his head. My connection is I thought this was Jeff Piotrowski, a former coworker at ENSCO.

In a similar vein, the sunglasses makes the illusion...

She kind of looks like  the Cookie Monster from the Muppets. My connection is that I use to have a relative who wore sandals with black socks.

Cookie Monster connects to cookies. This next photo, shows how other countries take a common food item, like Oreos, and turns them into weird flavors...

Another view that my ex-wife Nancy sent me. She knows I like wasabi...

Nancy also sent me this Kit Kat bar with lychee flavor. I am a big lychee fan and actually planted my own tree this year, She also sent me photos of Kit Kat flavored as wasabi and  buttered corn on the cob.

I did find a website that sells over 30 unique flavors of Kit Kats. Maybe I will try some...

Another picture I saved about food was this one. The company was talking of removing the Indian girl from the label and this was someone's suggestion. I liked it because I went to the original Star Wars while I was still in college back in the late 1970s. I have a connection to those movies...

I was also a big fan of the show Cheers (Cliff & Norm)...

And of course, before Star Wars there was Star Trek. I was a Resident Assistant (RA) my Senior year at the University of Vermont. We had to set hours we would be in our room for students in my dorm could visit if they had concerns or problems. My hours  were set when reruns of Star Trek were playing, I knew I would be in my room then...Bones never looked better...

I always liked the relationship between Mr. Spock & Captain Kirk...

Jim Tiberius Kirk never looked better...

I do save photos if they have some of my sick humor...

Mr. Spock never looked better...

Star Wars, Star Trek...these shows took place in outer space. I have a connection with that too since I live on the Space Coast. Launches have been an integral part of our life here since we as residents can always walk outside to see a launch. Of course, you have to get up for the early morning launches. I had to pull some photos off the Internet of the last early morning launch. I am so mad I slept through it...

Great photography always catches my eye, whether it be a rocket launch like above or the new rage of taking photos from a drone...This is my hometown of Middlebury Vermont. On the right side middle is the Catholic Church St. Marys. My connection is that that was my church growing up...

Another drone view of Middlebury and the new traffic circle. The big building in the middle is Battell Block. My connection is that is where I was part owner of a restaurant, Dorias. The restaurant office looked out onto Otter Creek, the river that passes through the middle of the town...

ANother drone view of Middlebury Falls and the Battell Building. My connection is that I grew up on Otter Creek...

Another recent drone photo I saved is of Neshobe Golf Club near Brandon Vermont. My connection is that my brother Tom works there and I play golf there often in the summer...

A little more local to where I live now, this drone is of the wading pool at the Sebastian Inlet and bridge. My connection is that it is a state park I like to visit.

Sometimes, you can create your own drone pictures by using Google Earth. I grabbed this image off the app. It is the North end of Lake George in New York near Ticonderoga. My connection is that many Provonchas still live in this area...very nice...

Also, using Google Earth you can capture satellite images of a specific location. This is the east end of Cuba. My connection is this is where my brother Tom and I passed through on our cruise this past January...

We live in a world of connections, are you connected to any of these photos?


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