Picture Connections (Things I save)

Cleaning up pictures I have collected is always fun. Each picture brings back a memory or story. Sometimes, they just make me laugh. I have always been told that laughter is the best medicine. A laugh a day keeps the doctor away. So, let us enjoy my fairly disturbed mind...

The 5th Wave use to be one of my favorite comics to read. I am also somewhat of a beer drinker, my current favorite being the Blue Point Toasted Lager...so, this joke just cracks me up. And also brings back the memory of the Monty Python song  "I'm a lumberjack..." (I had used white out on the name so I could write in a name like John Pitkethly.)

Not funny but a memory. I spent 34 years going to this building for work. Only the south end (left) is still standing, the rest has been torn down.  I timed my leaving ENSCO with the Air Force move to the new AFTAC building, built behind this, just North of the hangar in the photo...

Not funny, but wow...this was a real photo taken at a construction site in Orlando. That is one big alligator...

I used this photo in a talk I gave at my old company ENSCO's Technical Conference. I don't remember now but I am sure I had a great joke to go with it...

Working with computers, I saved this joke from one of the many magazines we got at work. I ain't as worried as I was when I saved this over 30 years ago...

Well, thank God this prediction was not right...I think I saved this around 1996...

One of the projects I worked on was the Y2K problem. We had old programs and data where the year was saved as 2 digits, like 75 and 89. I had to update code to make it four digit. We were writing all our code in Ada at that time...I was not around for the problem in the joke...

I should have bought some of these coolies. Camping was a big part of growing up for me, and my dad would have loved these...

Funny sign...but I cannot relate since I always get cats...

Saved this one for obvious reasons, it just makes sense!!

When they got back some new photos of Jupiter, they found this dolphin swimming around the planet...this is real (I think)...

Man, I keep saving these dog photos...but it is funny...

Okay, maybe a little sexist, but it was saved a long time ago, before computers...(wink wink)

I think this was taking in a foreign store where I think they were not sure of the word's true meaning. You can see some foreign letters on the sign to the left. I could see them in a meeting, all the Americans use that word all the time....ha ha

Not sure why I saved this but a tree full of goats is pretty unique from my life....

A hurricane shot from the International Space Station. Connection, the storm was probably near Florida where I live...(I see that I saved the photo as "2018 Florence" which hit North Carolina.

Hey I finally found a cat shot. They can sleep anywhere...I am sure this family had a dog so the reason for the high perch to hang...

One of my favorite movies is The Christmas Story. Winning the leg lamp is a favorite scene. Fra-gi-le...must be Italian...this must be from the unreleased A Star Wars Story...

I actually shared this one on FaceBook. It cracks me up everytime I look at it...

I will admit that I am classified as a blonde...I edited a document for my boss once on the computer and I was using white-out for corrections (I bet young paper will not understand this)...

Anyone who has ever owned a computer knows this screen...Ha ha

A redneck cat carrier...

This one is sad...the SBI (Sebastian Beach Inn) closed a few years ago. When I first moved here, it was a local thing to go to SBI and drink their specialty "The Bahama Mama". If you drank four, they would let you write your name in marker anywhere on the wall or ceiling. I think I did it at least twice. I know I have relatives that went here, but probably don't remember the trip. Nice back deck overlooking the ocean. I miss the place...

I am thinking of making this, a whole tray full like shepherd's pie....yum...

The last photo is of a tree branch. Yep, that is a large spider flattened down to hide.
Dolophones conifera, known as the wrap-around spider, is a species of spider in the family Araneidae indigenous to Australia. It is named for its ability to flatten and wrap its body around tree limbs as camouflage. It is found in Western Australia along with several other species from the genus Dolophones, and was first described in 1886.


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