Some summer thoughts

This past month, I celebrated my 21st Birthday for the third time. The first time I was still in college at the University of Vermont, hoping to graduate. I had just seen some cool movies including Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Jaws and the Exorcist. Drinking began at 18 back then so when I turned the first 21, I was already experienced at the hard stuff. I mention Star Wars because on my television as I write this, Star Wars Episode 9 is playing. Yep, in my life all nine episodes were made...I did not think that would happen.

The second 21st Birthday was in 1999. I was working at ENSCO, trying to update software that would fail because of the Y2K. We had some older code that stored the years as 2 digits and 99 was going to turn over to 00, sure can screw up sorting. All worked out, I fixed my time problems in time.  That was also the year that Star Wars introduced Jar Jar Binks, so I guess the world almost did end, at least for fans of that franchise.

The third 21 happened after 5 years of retirement for me. All the plans I had for 2020 have been messed up by the pandemic (except my 10 night cruise with Tom back in January). Also, Luke and Hans and Leia have been killed off in Star Wars, so I guess my year has been better than theirs turned out.

I am reading a book introducing me to Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Gravity. The latest theories say that time is not real and is not necessary for the universe to exist. So why do I keep counting the days, weeks, months and years as they pass? I guess my "quanta" cares. Plus, I need to plan a party for my fourth celebration of my 21st Birthday, but let me get through the pandemic first.

No photos in this post except one to share some humor...What I plan to serve at the 4th celebration...


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