A Walk on the Beach
I don't take walks on the beach enough. I should do it every day. I am lucky to live close enough that I can leave the house and be at the beach in about ten minutes. We have a long beachside where I live in Brevard County, and I have promised myself to get out more often. One of the reasons I need to walk is because I like to eat. About once a week I visit a local place called Frigates. It is located less than five minutes from my home and sits on the Eau Gallie River. The site use to be a Burger King and that turned into the Eau Gallie Crab House. The original is located in North Palm Beach, and this is their second location. It was in the local paper that a new one is planned in Palm Bay. The Frigate bird is legendary to sport fishermen and its presence is an indicator to a bountiful catch, good times and success. I saw lots of them in the Galapagos. This is a wooden one flying over the outside bar at Frigates... The food is great but a little expensive. No Burger King sales he...