Change or no change?
It has been seven years since I retired from my job and there has been a lot of change in that time. But the COVID pandemic, which was a very large change , has made the past year pretty boring without much change . No traveling and no going out to places with large groups. No concerts and sporting events, life has been steady, mostly unchanging . I still enjoy taking my photos, but the subjects have also become stagnant: the beach, the wetlands, the garden, and the bird feeder, which was a good change I made during the pandemic. Oh yeah, the occasional launch from the Space Center, either NASA or Air Space. This photo was taken of the astronauts, four of them, having a major change in their lives when they rocketed from the earth on a SpaceX capsule on their way to the International Space Station. It was a beautiful launch in the early morning, before the sun had risen. The sun starts to play with the rocket fumes as it gets higher and enters into the light, creating almost angel...