VT Trip - Favorites

Vacations are suppose to be a time to relax and get away from the everyday grind. But as I get older, and being retired, the vacation is a time to reflect on your life and to enjoy your past as it meets the present and future. I titled this "Favorites", but a better word may be "Spiritual". I have included some of the instances while on vacation where I had a moment of great reflection on how lucky I am to be alive. I hope you enjoy them too. The first day I arrived I had a splendid visit with this young lady, Ellianna. She was with her dad Josh and was visiting her Grandpa Tom. I was using her bedroom for my stay and she gave me her permission to use it, but I could not use her Princess sheets. She is a sweetheart and very smart. She does spend some time watching videos, but she likes to use her crayons. It is always mind-opening to have a conversation with a child. I realized I had lots of photographs of the Middlebury Falls, and with all the rain Vermont was hav...