Reading Q4H1 2023

Here are the latest six books that I have read, making 32 for the year 2023 out of a goal of 36 books. I should complete my goal but I do have a few large books that are in my bucket list. Two of the latest 6 books are from the bucket list, while the other 4 are ones I either checked out from the library or I bought at Barnes & Noble. Last year I was introduced to this author and read three of her novels. I found this one, The Singer's Gun, at Barnes & Noble and decided to add it to my collection. I will admit this book was very entertaining and I gave it a 2.5 (Good to Great). This was Emily's second novel, published in 2009. I think her fourth novel, Station Eleven , is her best so far. They made that one into a mini-series on HBO which I have not seen. From my bucket list, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Next , is a classic by Ken Kesey and published in 1962. Most people have seen the movie with Jack Nicholson. I could not remember if I had read the book before, bu...