
"Fixing a Hole"

This year, the Middlebury Magazine started to be printed again and I started to receive my copy. Although I am not an alumni of Middlebury College, I told them that my father Harold was and my Uncle Ken was also. I have been reading the magazine most of my life and felt privileged that they agreed to send me issues. Because of the pandemic, they had stopped the hard copies and only were creating the electronic version of the magazine online. I stopped reading it. In the most recent issue, they had a small story about foxes. Apparently, they had warned the summer Language students not to feed the wild foxes that are around the town. I am not even sure if they knew if they were Gray or Red foxes. I know how similar they are because the Brevard Zoo use to have both Gray and Red in a single enclosure. I liked taking pictures of them. They had a pair of Gray foxes at Brevard Zoo. They were sisters and were named Thelma and Louise. They seemed to spend most of the daytime sleeping, but when

"Here, There and Everywhere"

 So not much has been happening lately. I have been staying here at home a lot, and visiting the Zoo up there on Wickham Road. I have been planning to visit everywhere , but I don't think I have enough time left. Here are a few photos from my here, there and everywhere. Here I have continued collecting Life is Good tee-shirts. Here is one of my latest purchases. I drink Guinness quite often. It must have been all the Saint Patrick Day pageants when I was at Saint Mary's Catholic school in Middlebury. A little bit of Irish in me. Remember Father Mahoney? A recent photo I took in my back yard, here at home. Zebra Longwing on the Firebush. Another Life is Good tee-shirt. After retiring, my eyes have gotten better and I no longer have a prescription for glasses. I guess NOT being on a computer 8 or more hours a day is good. So I changed over to these glasses instead... Another Life is Good tee-shirt... I think I see a theme... This one is one of my favorites. When Tom and I were

"One After 909"

 Digital Hoarding XII Another set of pictures I have collected. Some are from the past and a few are recent. I put them in the folder marked 910, the One After 909. I was going to publish last evening but decided to wait for today 9/09/24. I guess I should wait until tomorrow, One After 909 . Not remembering any of the categories I have used in the past, these latest have been divided into Cats, Personal, Cartoon, Words, and Strange. Enjoy the hoard! Cats Being a cat owner for most of my adult life (none at the moment), I always love cat jokes. LOL I guess I saved this one for Halloween. Personal I went to the retirement dinner for two of my friends and past co-workers from ENSCO. This was in the invitation they sent out... I must have grabbed this from my niece Lori, the little one in this older photo, with her mom, my sister Pat (aka Patsy and Patricia). One of the albums I have not taken apart and scanned is the Pub Crawl synopsis with itineraries and photos. Here are two pages that

"Dig It" (aka Books 26-30)

 I have continued my reading and should easily hit my Goodreads of 36 books for the year 2024. These latest five books brings my total to 30 books. It has been so hot and humid this summer, I find staying inside with the AC running and reading a good book is just the easy choice. Here are books 26 through 30. Right on! Can you "Dig It". Camino Ghosts Written By John Grisham, published in May 2024. I bought this most recent book by Grisham at B&N after seeing it in the list for top selling books in the local paper Florida Today . Every Sunday they publish the list and I usually check it out. Camino Ghosts is the third book in a series by Grisham. It is about a small fictional Florida Island near Georgia. I have also read the previous two books. I give this one a 3.0 (Great), and I hope there will be more in the series. These books are easy summer reads. Eruption Written by Michael Crichton (started before he died in 2008), and James Patterson (completed from manuscript),

"What Goes On"

 When I was a kid there was a bar in my hometown of Middlebury called the Alibi. I heard a lot of stories but I always wondered "What Goes On" in that place. It was a cross between a bar, a social club and a bowling alley. I do not ever remember going in there myself because by the time I turned 18, old enough to legally drink, the place had become a den of scary events, and the Rosebud was just up the Frog Hollow. So, jump ahead 50 years and what opens in Cocoa Beach, a place named the Alibi. I have been wanted to visit it for  a while, but during the week it does not open until 4PM. I like to visit places at lunch time when they are less crowded. I had just celebrated my 67th Birthday on Friday, and decided to go to the Port for a beer and to take some photos. I share a few of those below. But after two Orange Blossom Pilsners at the Rising Tide in Port Canaveral, I decided I give the Alibi a try. I entered from the back and found a large open-air patio with a DJ playing mu