Going to a wedding is an easy way to fill in the time of retired person like myself. A week went by in no time and I met lots of new people. Being so bad with names and also approaching 60 years in age, meeting the number people I did on this trip is almost impossible to remember them all. In my case, it was trying to remember at least one. There is a Vermont beer called Switchback (or Switchblade if you are drunk) that I cannot purchase in Florida. So when I visit up north, I like to drink some Switchback. I now understand the meaning of the name. Every time you consume a Switchback, your brain is switched back to before you starting drinking. Therefore, everyone you meet afterwards you will forget. That's it, my story is that the beer made me forget everyone's name and I will not apologize if I get your name wrong. I will correct it if you tell me, and I will learn back what the beer tooketh away! Let us begin.
The rehearsal was scheduled for 3 PM on Thursday. Then I received a text saying it was at 4 PM. A little while later, another text saying 4:30 PM. These pictures are time-marked starting at 4:29 PM.
Justice of the Peace Kathi Apgar talking to my brother John, father of the groom. |
Kathi and John are standing at the Old Lantern Barn door which faces West and the wedding area. Lisa (hidden by John) was going through the events that were to happen on Saturday. The first to come out was Kathi, then John and Rachel, the mother of the bride. John was on the right, the side his two boys Izzy the Groom and Jared the Best Man would be standing. Rachel was on the left with her two girls Kayla the Bride and Ariana the Maid of Honor.
Rachel, Kathi and John |
Paying attention to things like this, John and Rachel did it right on the wedding day, but people told them they were on the wrong side and switched them. John went to the side of the girls and Rachel to the side of the boys. I think the wedding is void does not count and maybe we can have a do-over later this year (I really had that much fun.) Next to come out were the boys.
Brothers Jared and Israel being released from the barn |
Lisa was being great and telling everyone where they should be and how they should transition during the ceremony. It was a rehearsal and it was hot out. They were practicing in the same weather that was expected on Saturday. Because I was planning on taking candid pictures, I assumed it would be okay for me to stay near the bar....I mean barn!
The wedding party with Lisa giving directions |
Lisa was showing Izzy and Kayla where they should stop for the group photo. A photographer on a ladder would take a picture of everyone in attendance. With no chairs and no people, we had to imagine the scene.
Lisa withe the soon to be Bride and Groom |
They all went into the barn and they were going to go through the rehearsal a second time. I took a picture of the pretty daisies next to the trellis (or is it an arbor?).
Flowers near the trellis |
Again, the Justice of the Peace walked out, then the parents, then the young men...
Kathi, Jared, Israel |
Then the young ladies came out completing the wedding party. BTW, the father of the bride was not able to attend but his job was discussed. Izzy's job was to grab the daughter away, or something like that...
The wedding party on take two of the rehearsal |
The Justice of the Peace Kathi is from New Haven, where she met Izzy when he was eight and a classmate of her son in second grade. Questions were asked on whether they wanted to hold both hands, one hand, or....as I was hoping for the "holding the beer" choice. I know Izzy and Kayla like their micro-brews!
Practice the vows |
They practiced the vows, the rings, and even the kiss. As I told Jared afterwards, it looked like to me that they were officially married during the rehearsal. I mean, look at the next two pictures!
Kayla and Israel taking vows in front of Justice of the Peace Kathi Apgar |
The groom kisses the bride as Ariana and Jared watch. |
Then they headed to the barn....where they would disappear to be photographed as we, the guests, would drink Switchback beer and eat h'orderves...
Jared, Ariana, Izzy, Kayla in front of the Old Lantern Barn |
One of the cool stories I heard while at this wedding is the story of how Israel and Kayla met. Israel worked often with Chef Roland in the kitchen. In August 2011, he was working a wedding being held at the Old Lantern Barn. The bride was Ariana and her sister Kayla was her Maid of Honor. Israel came out of the kitchen to get a beer after the meal for the wedding had been served. He kind of looked like he does in this picture below.
Israel in his chef's jacket standing at the bar |
Kayla saw this young handsome man and decided to talk to him. She wore a green dress in the wedding, just like the one in the next photo.
Israel tonging Kayla (Sorry, just tell it like I see it) |
In actuality, that is the exact same dress she had wore 5 years earlier. Lisa wanted to get a picture of the moment and place it on the bar for this wedding. I volunteered and took some pictures. The tongs though just did not seem right...
Kayla and Israel |
When they grabbed the beers, the smiles came out and I was able to capture the photo below. It was used at the wedding after Kayla got it off my memory stick and sent it to Lisa. I love it!
Kayla & Israel re-enacting how they met |
A chance meeting at a wedding, and then they are getting married at the same place. I am single, maybe I will find my future bride at their wedding on Saturday.
This concludes Part II....I hope you will stay for the next part!
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