Birds at the Zoo

At the Brevard Zoo, they have two separate aviaries. The one on the left and the one on the right. These photos I am sharing first were taken in the right aviary where the lorikeets hang out. In this particular area, they have a Mountain Peacock-Pheasant and three Northern quail, also known as the bobwhite quail. On my first visit, the pheasant was sleeping and the quail were running along the fence under the bushes. This time, the three quail were nesting in the dirt and the Mountain Peacock-Pheasant was circling them and trying to impress them with his plumage. I am not sure if they can actually mate. What would you call the result, a queasant, or maybe a total phail. Whatever, enjoy the pheasant as he prances around the quail.

 The quail looked kind of nervous.

But this peacock-pheasant had some moves and attitude....

Just to show you, this guy was prancing around the bobwhite circle...

He wanted to make sure all three got a look at the product...

He was making sounds too as he did his jig....

Then he stopped and flashed the plumage....

I do think the Northern Quail were impressed...nervous yes!

I just had to share this. Learning with BJ!


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