A walk in Middlebury Vermont

While in Vermont for the Celebration of Life for my brother John, I spent some time enjoying the cooler weather (than Florida) and the trees changing color. My brother Tom has two boys, Brandon and Josh. Brandon lives in Florida near me and Josh is back living in Vermont. On Friday the 13th, Jen (so of Josh) and Brandon stopped in. We decided to take a walk and get some lunch in town somewhere. I wanted to get some photos... Here they are:

Pretty tree on Weybridge Street...

Jen and Brandon passing another colorful tree on Weybridge Street...

Mr. Paquette (age 101) out for a walk...the truck is appropriate, "Green Mountain Power"...

 The Middlebury Falls and Marbleworks as seen from the Main Street Bridge...

An unusual view of Main Street; I use to buy my penny candy at the Ben Franklin store...

Construction on Main Street for the RR tracks includes a temp bridge in front of St. Stephens Church...

The Congregational Church from the same spot as the previous photo...

The Congregational Church with the new addition from Seymour Street...

The Fire & Ice Restaurant on Seymour Street (brother John was the chef there when it first open; brother Tom help build it when he worked for Dutton Smith)...

Where we had lunch...brother Tom joined us...

At first, Brandon and I saw Love Bugs but realized they were green stink bugs...

The Congregational Church as seen from the Marbleworks (the yellow chair is actually bigger than normal)

The Middlebury Falls from the Marbleworks...

Brandon and Jen cross the footbridge across Otter Creek toward Frog Hollow...

The Middlebury Falls as seen from the footbridge...

One last photo of the Congregational Church from the footbridge...

I recommend if you visit a place, take a walk instead of driving. You see so much more and appreciate all the beauty a place has. I still love my hometown and I will never stop visiting it...


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